This story of "love, magic, and battles" revolves around The protagonist of the series, Akuto, an orphan raised in a
church-run orphanage, transfers to Constant Magick Academy, hoping to
someday become a high priest for the benefit of society. However, upon arriving, Yagatarasu, the school's oracular spirit, announces that he will become the Demon King in the future. As a result, the entire student body becomes terrified and paranoid of him.
Even so, he tries to do the right thing whenever a situation arises.
Akuto has an incredible amount of power within him that sometimes gets
out of control. Akuto has a highly serious personality but is not
without some humor.In the anime, he tries to
restrain himself in order to convince everyone that he has no desire to
be the Demon King.
Despite his good-nature and wanting to make the world a better place, he does not ascribe to the world's religions, and even got in trouble when he was a child at a church-run orphanage for stating so.Akuto is capable of controlling and manipulating "mana", a form of energy that resides in the bodies of living things and in surroundings. For instance, he is able to absorb the mana of a large demon dog, thus transforming it back into a normal puppy, a feat that has never been performed before.However, his immense power is also highly volatile and most of his early attempts at controlling mana and creating magical projectiles, no matter how benign they are supposed to be, resulted in catastrophic explosions. Thus begins his severe school life in which he is resented by his studious female class head, desired by a girl with mysterious powers, and guarded by a beautiful female android.
Despite his good-nature and wanting to make the world a better place, he does not ascribe to the world's religions, and even got in trouble when he was a child at a church-run orphanage for stating so.Akuto is capable of controlling and manipulating "mana", a form of energy that resides in the bodies of living things and in surroundings. For instance, he is able to absorb the mana of a large demon dog, thus transforming it back into a normal puppy, a feat that has never been performed before.However, his immense power is also highly volatile and most of his early attempts at controlling mana and creating magical projectiles, no matter how benign they are supposed to be, resulted in catastrophic explosions. Thus begins his severe school life in which he is resented by his studious female class head, desired by a girl with mysterious powers, and guarded by a beautiful female android.
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