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Saturday 31 January 2015


Kaito Kuroba is a normal teenage student whose father died under mysterious circumstances eight years ago. Eight years later, he is made aware of his father's secret identity; a famous international criminal known as Kaito Kid, and that he was murdered by a mysterious organization because he tried to steal a gem which was also targeted by them. The goal of the organization is to find within a year the Pandora Gem, a mystical stone said to shed tears during the passing of the Volley comet (which happens once every 10,000 years): drinking these tears bestows immortality.
He vows to prevent the organization from gaining immortality, and assumes his father's thief identity as he begins his quest for the gem. His only clues as to the gem's location are that it glows red under the full moon and that it is a doublet: a gem hidden within a larger gem. Thus, it would have to be a relatively large one with a bizarre history, and always stored in a place that never receives moonlight. He thus researches and steals famous priceless gems with odd histories from incredibly well-defended areas, but returns them after the very next full moon as they are not the Pandora.
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The story is set in the late Edo period. Humanity is attacked by aliens called "Amanto". The samurai of Japan join the battle against the aliens, but when the Shogun realizes the power of aliens, he betrays the samurai and surrenders to the aliens. The Shogun writes an unequal contract with aliens which allows the aliens to enter the country and places a ban on carrying swords in public. The swords of samurai are taken away so they can no longer resist the aliens. After that the Shogunate becomes a puppet government.
The plot is focused on an eccentric samurai, Gintoki Sakata (aka Odd Jobs Gin) who helps a teenager named Shinpachi Shimura save his sister Tae from a group of aliens who want to make her part of a brothel. Impressed with Gintoki, Shinpachi becomes his apprentice and works with him as a freelance odd-jobs man in order to pay the monthly rent on Gintoki's combination home and office, as well as to know more about him.
The two of them rescue a teenage alien girl named Kagura from a group of Yakuza who wanted to use her superhuman strength to kill people. Kagura joins Shinpachi and Gintoki to work as freelancers and the three become known as "Yorozuya", "We do everything" or literally "The Anything Store").
While doing their job, they encounter the police force Shinsengumi several times, who normally ally with Odd Jobs Gin in their work since the jobs commonly involve dangerous criminals. They eventually meet some of Gintoki's former comrades from the fight against the Amanto's invasion, including the revolutionary Kotaro Katsura who maintains a friendly relationship with them despite his terrorist activities against the bakufu. On the other hand, Shinsuke Takasugi acts as a major antagonist throughout the series, as he wants to destroy the bakufu and sees his former comrades as enemies.
Although the series' story is commonly episodic, there are also a few story arcs which are developed through several chapters. Across several story arcs Takasugi starts gaining allies including Kagura's brother, Kamui, and the elite unit Mimawarigumi to prepare for his large scale coup d'état.
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The story is set in an alternative timeline where the world is split into three superpowers, Britannia, the Chinese Federation, and the European Union (previously known as the Euro-Universe). The story takes place after the Holy Britannian Empire's conquest on Japan on August 10, 2010 a.t.b. (1955 A.D.), by means of Britannia's newest weapon, the "Autonomous Armored Knight", or Knightmare Frame. In turn, Britannia effectively strips Japan and its citizens of all rights and freedoms and renames the country Area 11 with its citizens referred to as Elevens.
Lelouch Lamperouge is an exiled Britannian prince who was sent as a bargaining tool to Japan, along with his sister Nunnally Lamperouge, by his father, Emperor Charles zi Britannia, after his mother, Marianne vi Britannia, was killed. When Marianne was murdered, Nunnally was set up as a false witness. Because of this, her sight and her ability to walk were taken from her. This makes it difficult for Lelouch because he must take care of her while on the run in Japan during the war. After the war in the ruins of a Japanese city he then vows to his Japanese friend Suzaku Kururugi that he will one day obliterate Britannia. Seven years later, Lelouch gets caught up in a terrorist attack and finds a girl called C.C. (C2), who saves Lelouch's life from the Britannian Royal Guard, by making a contract with him that grants Lelouch a power known as Geass. This power, also known as the Power of the King, allows him to command anyone to do whatever he wants, whether bending their will to live, fight, or die on his behalf – though only once, with direct eye contact. Lelouch decides to put his Geass to use and find the person who killed his mother, destroy the Britannian Empire, and to create a better world where his younger sister, Nunnally, can live happily. In the process, Lelouch becomes the leader of the resistance movement known as The Black Knights under his alter ego Zero, as he gains popularity and support among the Japanese on his way towards rebellion.
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Strait Jacket

strait Jacket is set an alternate history where magic was proven to exist in the year 1899. The use of sorcery spread throughout all facets of society and changed the social and technological development of the world. The location is Tristan, an urban metropolis that appears to be an amalgamation at the turn of the 20th century Tokyo, San Francisco, and Victorian era London.
Alongside this technology and science exists magic, which has been proven possible in public demonstrations by Dr. George Greco. Although the use of magic is only possible for a few talented individuals, it is very dangerous and highly illegal. Due to an invisible contaminant called the "malediction", or simply the "curse", people who use magic too often are at risk in transforming into "Demons," or horrific, malevolent abominations of nature that become immune to ordinary weapons. The Magic Administration Bureau, also known as the Sorcery Management Bureau, is set up in the attempt to safely explore the nature of magic, officially document it, attempt to provide rational scientific explanation for it, regulate its use and police those who use magic illegally. Magic, utilized in a safe sense by the Bureau, has been used as a viable energy source by the civil service, industry, agriculture, medicine, and the military. Effectively, the Magic Administration Bureau is now in control of every field and every facet of society.
The primary enemies of the Bureau are Oddman, a former left wing terrorist cell, turned mercenary. All of these magic users, even the ones with innocent and well-meaning intentions, are in danger of tapping into the dark side either accidentally or on purpose and themselves becoming bloodthirsty beasts due to accidents or sabotage by Oddman's agents. These Sorcerist agents wear a suit of armor that resists the negative transforming effects of magic. These suits are referred to as "mold armor", or more commonly a "strait jacket", due to the fact they constrain human beings in their natural form. The Sorcerists also use magically-tainted bullets from large hand-carried railguns powered by a combination of steam and magic, which are the only weapons capable of effectively stopping the magically-transformed monsters.
However, the over-stretched Bureau is steadily losing ground and increasingly must rely on outside help. There simply aren't enough Sorcerists to fight the Demons caused by Oddmans sabotage. This deliberate sabotage leads to an increase in accidental demonic transformations and attacks on the public across Tristan. Among those who fight the Demons is an unlicensed, rogue Sorcerist named Leiot Steinberg (also known as Rayotte Steinberg in some English versions), an anti hero who is viewed as a loose cannon bringing the name of Sorcerists into disrepute and causing as much damage as the Demons in his one-man war against them. Yet the Bureau is forced to reluctantly call upon his services in their losing battle. Because Steinberg fights against a sin he committed long ago, even with his mold armor he comes closer and closer to transforming into a Demon every time he casts a spell.
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Psycho pass

The plot focuses on Akane Tsunemori, a new Inspector of Unit One—a police unit from the Public Safety Bureau's Criminal Investigation Division. Tsunemori hunts criminals alongside a special team of so-called latent criminals called Enforcers. Inspectors and Enforcers use large handguns called "Dominators"—special weapons designed to fire only at those with a higher-than-acceptable Crime Coefficient. Akane is ashamed of shooting the Enforcer Shinya Kogami during her first mission to protect a latent criminal. Kogami thanks her for stopping him from becoming a murderer, which persuades Akane to stay. She is accompanied by veteran Inspector Nobuchika Ginoza, a strict man who looks down on Enforcers, Tomomi Masaoka, a middle-aged man who used to be a detective, Shusei Kagari, a carefree young man who has been a latent criminal ever since he was a child, and Yayoi Kunizuka, a former musician turned into a latent criminal after interacting with a terrorist. During Akane's first investigations, the group learns about the existence of Shogo Makishima, a mastermind who is responsible for multiple crimes. Being Criminally Asymptomatic, Makishima's criminal psychology yields a low Crime Coefficient, making him safe from the Sibyl System and the Dominator.
The Enforcers and Inspectors start hunting Makishima, who aims to destroy the society created by the Sibyl System. To do this he causes riots in the city to draw the police away from the Health and Welfare Ministry's Nona Tower facility, where Sibyl is located. Akane and Kogami stop Makishima's forces while Enforcer Shūsei Kagari follows one of Makishima's allies to the tower where Bureau Chief Joshu Kasei kills Makishima's ally and Kagari to keep the true form of Sibyl a secret. Kasei tells Makishima that Sibyl is a hivemind of similarly asymptomatic individuals and wishes him to join the system but Makishima escapes. Realizing the truth behind Makishima's escape, Kogami leaves the group to kill him. Akane is later directly contacted by the Sibyl system, which orders her to capture Makishima alive. She agrees to do this on the condition that they withdraw the execution order for Kogami. Learning that Makishima plans to execute bioterrorism to weaken Japan's economy and bring the system down, the Criminal Investigation Division searches for both Makishima and Kogami. There, Makishima tries killing Ginoza but Masaoka sacrifices his life to save him. Despite Akane's efforts, Kogami kills Makishima and the former's erstwhile comrades never see him again.
In season two, Akane, now the leader of a restored Unit One including rookie inspector Mika Shimotsuki, Ginoza, who is demoted to an enforcer, Yayoi and two new enforcers, Sakuya Togane and Sho Hinakawa, face a new threat in the form of Kirito Kamui, another criminal mastermind who, just like Shogo, intends to bring down the Sybil System by exploiting its flaws instead of just wreaking havoc. Skilled in avoiding all forms of detection and capable of helping his supporters to keep their Crime Coefficients low, only a very few believe that he actually exists, including Akane.
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Trinity Seven Supernaturally Awesome

In tis anime created by seven arcs Arata is the main protagonist of the series and the Magic King Demon Lord of the Superbia archive, possessing the ability to nullify and copy magic. After a Breakdown Phenomenon destroys his hometown and causes his cousin Hijiri to disappear (but not before giving him her grimoire), Arata becomes determined to save her by becoming a magus and transferring to the Royal Biblia Academy where he fatefully meets the Trinity Seven. He usually speaks in somewhat a perverted manner and is calm in dealing with adversity. He is often referred to as the "Demon Lord Candidate" because only those of Demon Lord class mages are able to create worlds, but actually the world he created was merely a wish that he made with the grimoire to return the world the way it is. His thema is Imperium/Impero(Rule/Control).
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Tokyo ghoul An Unexpected Twist

The story of Tokyo Ghoul follows Ken Kaneki, who barely survives a deadly encounter with Rize Kamishiro, a woman who is revealed to be a ghoul, a human-like creature that hunts and devours human flesh, and is taken to the hospital in critical condition. After recovering, Kaneki discovers that somehow he underwent a surgery that transformed him into a half-ghoul, and just like them, must consume human flesh to survive as well. With no one else to turn to, he is taken in by the ghouls who manage the coffee shop "Anteiku", who teach him to deal with his new life as a half-human/half-ghoul, including interacting with ghoul society and its conflicting factions, while striving to keep his identity secret from other humans.
The prequel series Tokyo Ghoul: JACK follows the youths of Kishou Arima and Taishi Fura, two characters from the main series who become acquainted when they join forces to investigate the death of Taishi's friend by the hands of a ghoul, leading to Taishi eventually following Arima's path and joining the CCG (Commission of Counter Ghoul), the federal agency tasked into dealing with crimes related to ghouls as well.
The sequel series Tokyo Ghoul:re follows an amnesiac Kaneki under the new identity of Haise Sasaki, the leader of a special team of CCG investigators called "Quinx Squad", that underwent a similar procedure as his, allowing them to obtain the special abilities of Ghouls in order to fight them, but still being able to live as normal humans.
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